Obraz 12388
2214 visits
Plaża w Beau Vallon - część na prawo od pizzeri
2552 visits
Druga plaża na Praslin, przy zatoce Volbert i Gouvernment.
2162 visits
Obraz 12386
2080 visits
Koniec drogi przy plaży, tuż przed pętla autobusowa i...
2149 visits
Top roof garden on one of the Tokyo malls.
2882 visits
Top roof garden on one of the Tokyo malls.
2933 visits
Another Japan speciality - shaved iced with sugar syrup (all full of artificial flavourers and colours).
2899 visits
Fatty tuna nigiri sushi - it's believed to be the best part of tuna.
2976 visits
Artificial food "samples" - something that Japan is known for.
3010 visits
Really old lady :)
2907 visits
Fish market in Tokyo - old lady selling food.
2824 visits
Tokyo at night - Ropongi.
2918 visits
Tokyo at night...
2944 visits
Party picture in Joshua School.
3021 visits
And those three girls..
2986 visits
Three girls leaving party in Joshua School - ice cake.
2968 visits
Obraz 11983
3615 visits
Tokyo, close to Ann apartment.
3648 visits
And here we bought my long awaited birthday gift :)
2987 visits